Success Story
Referral Management
Generated $4 Million
In New Revenue In 4 Weeks
Patient Access Transformation - Referral Management
The Challenge An integrated 60 hospital health system with 9,000+ providers was struggling to address a range of operational and staffing challenges including backlogged patient referral management, authorization, and scheduling processing.
They engaged Abax Health to improve the patient and provider experience, enhance operational efficiency, and generate additional revenue for their health system.
Our Solution Abax addressed the organization’s challenges in the following ways:
Quantified financial impact of backlogged referrals and authorizations
Remotely deployed experienced referral and authorization processing staff to eliminate backlog and ensure patients were scheduled
Results After 4 weeks of engaging Abax:
$4M in incremental scheduled revenue
Departmental schedules filled
Improved financially cleared days from 0 days prior to visit to 2 days prior to visit
Increased patient care and outcomes due to improved scheduling and authorization processes