AbaxInsight's artificial intelligence algorithms mine the clinical record for untapped revenue/referrals. Our advanced analytics Identifies the untapped revenue/referrals, Quantifies the untapped revenue/referrals by applying the CMS fee schedule, or your organization’s fee schedule, to your untapped referrals, and enables our human Education and Outreach Concierge (EOC) Team to Act on those untapped revenue/referral opportunities.
AbaxEducation is our artificial intelligence powered platform through which our human Education and Outreach Concierge (EOC) Team provides detailed educational content to your patients regarding their untapped revenue/referral opportunities. Our highly trained, human EOCs communicate with your patients to explain the referral(s) that they missed, why it’s important that that that referral is scheduled, and how they can easily schedule that referral for their specific procedure(s).
AbaxOutreach is our artificial intelligence powered automated platform through which our highly trained, human Education and Outreach Concierge (EOC) team communicates with your patients. Using the power of the patient’s clinical and missed referral data, our EOCs are equipped to meet the scheduling needs of your patients.
Whether through automated text, phone call, or email, our Education and Outreach Concierge Team will connect with your patients in the most convenient manner possible. Our EOCs work directly in your EHR and scheduling systems, and conduct all Patient Access functions including insurance verification, authorization, no surprise billing, and scheduling functions. With a “smile on their voice” our empathetic EOCs communicate with your patient and schedule their procedure(s) in the most convenient manner possible.​
AbaxAnalytics is our artificial intelligence powered dashboards which provide financial insight into untapped revenue/referral opportunities. Whether your are looking at untapped revenue/referrals at the enterprise, service line/departmental, procedure, provider, location, payor, or patient level, AbaxAnalytics provides valuable financial insight into where you have untapped revenue/referrals and enables you to strategically focus your untapped revenue/referral recovery strategies accordingly.