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Patient Engagement
Identify, Quantify, and Act on
Unscheduled Referrals

It is estimated that 30% of all referrals go unscheduled on an annual basis. This translates to billions of dollars of unscheduled revenue/referrals and lost patient care. You need a better way to Identify your unscheduled referrals, Quantify the financial impact of your unscheduled referrals, and Act on those unscheduled referrals by contacting your patient, financially clearing your patient, and scheduling your patient in the most convenient manner possible. At Abax Health, we are leading the way in helping healthcare organizations improve revenue and patient care. Untap your unscheduled referrals with abaxAI


abaxAI's artificial intelligence algorithms mine the clinical record for untapped revenue/referrals. Our advanced analytics Identifies the untapped revenue/referrals, Quantifies the untapped revenue/referrals by applying the CMS fee schedule, or your organization’s fee schedule, to your untapped referrals, and enables our human Education and Outreach Concierge (EOC) Team to Act on those untapped revenue/referral opportunities.


How abaxAI Works


Unscheduled Referrals

abaxAI's artificial intelligence algorithms mine the clinical record and Identifies every unscheduled referral in your EHR. We identify both past unscheduled referrals and on-going unscheduled referrals on a month by month basis.









Unscheduled Referrals

abaxAI Quantifies the untapped revenue/referrals by applying the CMS fee schedule, or your organization’s fee schedule to each unscheduled referral. This allows you to see the enterprise-wide financial impact of all of your unscheduled referrals. 









On Unscheduled Referrals

abaxAI's outreach tools allow you to Act on your unscheduled referrals using our automated, multi-modal outreach platform. Using text, voicemail, voiceDrop, or emails, you can easily engage your patient in their preferred communication platform. Upon reaching your patient, our Education and Outreach Concierge (EOCs) will educate your patient on the unscheduled referral, conduct all financial clearnance, and schedule the patient directly in your EHR. 

abaxAI Dashboards

Abax Insight
Abax Insight
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